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Clients Testimonials

Ford Motor Co.

“From a perspective of supply we find your company very proactive, totally Ford committed and responsibly handling our business with thorough dedicated efficiency---your facility is regarded as an extension of Ford Supply.

Tom Manly
SCM Manager, PTO OPS

Cummins Ltd

“Motorsense (Motsen) have supplied Cummins for some 14 years, providing efficient, professional service which has greatly assisted our efforts to establish and maintain a World Class Supply Base.”

Jeff Hogg
Sourcing Manager

Accessibility Statement

In accordance to comply with all the web accessibility and usability policies and best practices, this website upholds British Standards & W3C WAI (World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative) guidelines and specifications.

During the design and development of the website it has been tested against assistive technologies needed for the users of different impairment groups. This assists both the users with and without disability to have the highest level of website experience and helps in dealing with all the core tasks of this website.

In order to gain the maximum user experience and meet the user needs the website is complaint to XHTML Strict 1.0 and achieves conformance to the W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines "Level AA" (WCAG 1.0). The website has been tested and is compatible with the key web browsers achieving required browser compatibility.

Although, if you experience any problem accessing it on your browser, email us at

Adherence to guidelines

We always strives to adhere to the guidelines and recommendations given for good practice and always measure the performance level of the website, however, if you have any comments or need any further information regarding to the our web accessibility policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at

The website and it's accessibility and usability features has been designed and developed by Webmirer Ltd

Access Keys

Access keys are a navigation device enabling you to get around the web site using your keyboard. They can be used to jump to different sections of content across the site.

The Access keys are:

  • 1 – Home
  • 2 – Corporate
  • 3 – Services
  • 4 – Products
  • 5 – The Process
  • 6 – Motorsense Advantages
  • 7 – Our Clients
  • 8 – Testimonials
  • C – Skip to Content
  • U – Contact Us
  • S – Sitemap

How to use the access keys

Internet Explorer 5+ (PC)

Hold down the ALT key, press the number or letter of the access key, release both keys then press ENTER

Internet Explorer 5+ (Mac)

Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

Firefox 1.5+ (PC)

Hold down the ALT+SHIFT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Firefox 1.5+ (Mac)

Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key

Netscape 6 and earlier (PC and Mac)

Not supported

Netscape 7 (PC)

Hold down the ALT key and press the number or letter of the access key

Safari and Omniweb (Mac)

Hold down the CTRL key and press the number or letter of the access key